
Bank guarantees for companies

To strengthen your commercial and financial operations, Aresbank provides you with solutions such as our bank guarantees for companies, a guarantee for your international operations that will favour the expansion of your business.

Why choose our bank guarantees?

Choosing Aresbank for your bank guarantees for companies gives you access to the best conditions:

  • It gives you access to resources to take advantage of foreign trade opportunities.
  • You can find internationally competitive products and services of maximum value.
  • You will be able to manage your operations more securely and quickly.
  • You will receive personalised advice to find the most suitable solution for your business.
  • You will have a team of professionals with extensive experience in the international financial market.
  • You will find secure and efficient solutions to boost your foreign trade.

Our bank guarantees for companies provide security and confidence to your business partners and help you minimise the risks of your international transactions, allowing your business to continue to grow.

What are bank guarantees for companies?

Bank guarantees for companies are guarantees by which a bank undertakes to respond to the fulfilment of an obligation to a third party.

It is a commitment contract in which entities such as Aresbank guarantee the repayment of a payment or obligation, such as the supply of goods or services.

How to contract a bank guarantee with Aresbank?

Our process for contracting bank guarantees for companies is quick and simple, so that you don’t miss out on any foreign trade opportunities:

  1. Fill in our form with your details.
  2. A specialised Aresbank professional will contact you as soon as possible to find out about your case and start the process.
  3. We will make an initial evaluation and diagnosis of your company to assess which options may be most interesting for you.
  4. We will analyse the available options to select the one that best suits your interests.
  5. We will draw up a personalised strategic plan.
  6. We will monitor your internationalisation process to check its effectiveness.

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Frequently asked questions on bank guarantees for businesses
Who are the participants in the issuance of a guarantee?

There are three parties involved in the issuance of a guarantee:

  • Guarantor: entity that issues the guarantee and undertakes to pay the obligations in the event of default by the guaranteed party (in this case, Aresbank assumes this role).
  • Guarantor: the customer requesting the guarantee.
  • Beneficiary: the third party in favour of whom the guarantee is issued.
What is the duration of a bank guarantee for companies?

The duration of bank guarantees for companies may vary according to the term established in the contract. They may be indefinite, with a specific expiry date or with expiry and expiry.

Is it possible to use standard or customised document formats?

It is possible to use both predefined templates and your own texts in the bank guarantee documents for companies, depending on the needs of each client.

What types of fees apply to guarantees?

We can distinguish several types of fees for bank guarantees for companies:

  • Study fees: these are charged when the contract is formalised and represent a percentage of the amount requested in the guarantee.
  • Arrangement fee: this is charged when the contract is formalised and is a percentage of the amount of the guarantee.
  • Risk: this is charged periodically until the guarantee is cancelled and is also a percentage of the amount guaranteed.